Tuesday, June 13, 2006

it was a day of parties, im, hammocks, movies, SIMS, sleep...it was a night of photos, swings, salt and pepper shakers, fried dough, tag sales, hi ho cherry-o, haunted castles, police officers...it was a perfect night. the perfect kind that only shows up every once in a while. when you're begining to doubt that you will ever feel that natural high again...you go to a carnival and it all comes together for a bit.  Posted by Picasa


Tristan said...

I don't know, that photo doesn't look like the result of a "natural high" to me...looks more "substance assisted," eh?

Sam Graydon said...

naturally, tristan says exactly what i was thinking. sadly he did it before me this time. ah well. what was this a picture of, exactly?

Jennifer Lynn said...

meg and i went on the swings. i rocked back and took this picture. i guess there were lights above me.