Saturday, May 27, 2006

they play music that pretends they are dancers.
she counts off time with her oven so that the company can leave before dinner.
his younger self casts flies over his back on an uneven dock.
while the happiest hallmark couple sneers over condiment choices,
she laughs at the sinful fire heating the summer.
some splash fires on the surface from the safety of a roaring boat,
and still more guide the next generation through the shore.
fish are tied down by balloon weights in the center of their nests.
the ducklings follow in fear their mother from the weeds.
and i rock back and forth and write it all down,
so that someone who reads it later can pretend to feel and care.


Sam Graydon said...

this doesnt seem happy. perhaps i am wrong. but then's about unhappy people

Jennifer Lynn said...

i read the poem. no, it does not seem happy. however, the people were happy. but when i wrote i made them unhappy. so i guess i am the only unhappy one.