Wednesday, May 31, 2006

too cute.  Posted by Picasa

beach days.

and i remember you
because i knew those hands
when they crawled
at ten months old
 Posted by Picasa

Sunday, May 28, 2006

the photo is all right, but i am in love with the story behind it.  Posted by Picasa
i love u leah. Posted by Picasa
<3 Posted by Picasa

Saturday, May 27, 2006

they play music that pretends they are dancers.
she counts off time with her oven so that the company can leave before dinner.
his younger self casts flies over his back on an uneven dock.
while the happiest hallmark couple sneers over condiment choices,
she laughs at the sinful fire heating the summer.
some splash fires on the surface from the safety of a roaring boat,
and still more guide the next generation through the shore.
fish are tied down by balloon weights in the center of their nests.
the ducklings follow in fear their mother from the weeds.
and i rock back and forth and write it all down,
so that someone who reads it later can pretend to feel and care.

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

welcome to my school. we kill angels. proud yet? Posted by Picasa
angelica without braces!! Posted by Picasa
classic baby photo. Posted by Picasa
ahhh. so cute. Posted by Picasa
if i was not feeling the loss before it is loss, i might be able to smile. but time does not move quickly. TIME is TIME. time is a theory. as humans, we have wrapped the world in it, wrapped it around us, based out lives on this theory of time. this makes me wonder how religious fanatics are any different from the rest of us. religion is a theory ( a theory that may be true, i'm not trying to offend anyone here ) time is a theory. we base our lives on a theory and they do as well. yet, they are sometimes criticized on their choice of theory. anyway....not the point. in this case, i am dissapointed in our modern measure of time for it is the reason there are only 15 days left until graduation. it is the reason i am here wishing i could be studying because there is not much time left until i must sleep. why must i sleep? because it is just another part of my life measured in this theory of time. sigh. this does not help.

Sunday, May 21, 2006

i would love for everyone to meet Scary Cat That Follows Us. Scary Cat That Follows Us kept five feet behind us as we walked, ran, ( hid ) SCTFU was not very good company. Posted by Picasa

Saturday, May 20, 2006

How to Electrocute ...

1) find yourself one of these

2) place a salt shaker on the glass surface.

3) place finger a very small distance from the edge of the salt shaker

4) OW. little tiny burn marks where the electricity jumps to your finger. Posted by Picasa
they're sooooo cute!  Posted by Picasa


dinner just became a little more interesting... Posted by Picasa
fireworks with a longer exposure.

 Posted by Picasa


spread the love Posted by Picasa
it belongs here. Posted by Picasa

Thursday, May 18, 2006