Thursday, March 16, 2006

a mood. i am in a mood. just this kind of feeling. the kind of feeling that causes people to rip off the down spout from their roof in a storm and sit under it. just sit there in a growing puddle of mud. i want to sit in this puddle of mud and not care if it seeps through my jeans. i don't want to care if my sweatshirt soaks through and drags around me. i want to let each and every thick and heavy droplet PLUNK onto the top of my head. that part of the roof that hangs over the edge, i don't know its name. but i want to sit with my back on this building under this extra scrap of roof. just sit in the mud so only my feet stick out into the down pour. and i don't want anyone else to come or even to notice me. i don't want to hear voices. not even the voices in my head. they will have to be quiet too.
this is just the mood i'm in.


Sam Graydon said...

and thus chocolate was invented

Anonymous said...

just how I feel